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Hotel Meridiana Florence Italy
Hotel Meridiana Florence Italy
Cultural Events Florence

Cultural Events Florence - Hotel Near Michelangelo's David

The Hotel Meridiana is near the gallery which contains Michelangelo's David.

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The Hotel Meridiana Florence is located only a short distance from the world famous statue of David by Michelangelo. Florence is a city which is famous not just for Michelangelo's David and instead is a city which is blessed with one of the largest and richest collections of art, architecture and cultural heritage the world has ever seen. The Uffizi Art Gallery, Dante Alighieri, Donatello, Giotto, Michelangelo's David. In addition to all of these cultural attractions there are traditional annual cultural events which take place such as the Scoppio del Carro on Easter Sunday which is a must see and the fireworks on June 24. From the Hotel Meridiana Florence you can enjoy all of these spectacles as the Hotel is located near all of the city's major cultural attractions.


Calendar Cultural Events in Florence - Hotel Meridiana
  • Scoppio del Carro - Easter Sunday - Every Easter thousands of people gather outside the Duomo to watch the "Doves of Peace Cart Explosion".
  • St John's Day Patron Saint of Florence - June 24 - A spectacular fireworks show from 10 p.m. until 11 p.m. is staged on Piazzale Michelangelo overlooking the River Arno.
  • Uffizi Gallery Free Entrance - the local government often nominates days when entrance to the gallery is free. Please contact our reception staff for more details.
  • Michelangelo's David Galleria dell'Accademia - in September 2002 the 700 year old David was given a bath and is now looking as radiant as ever - see below for more details
  • Wine Tasting and The Florentine Steak - there are numerous food festivals both in and around Florence all year round.



Scoppio del Carro Florence The Scoppio del Carro or Doves of Peace Cart Explosion is the highlight of Florence's Easter celebrations. Every Easter Sunday a huge crowd gathers outsie the Duomo to witness this ornate chariot appear to be blown up in an elaborate performance involving fireworks and gunpowder. Spectators are kept at a safe distance and the event is thoroughly enjoyable. The reason for the event can be traced back to the times of the Crusades when as legend has it in 1099 a young Florentine Captain by the name of Pazzino dei Pazzi was first to climb over the wall in Jerusalem. To reward him for his bravery he was awarded special status and many presents including a cart. For information on the best place to view the procession and spectacular finale please the reception staff of the Hotel Meridiana Florence.

Fireworks Florence - St John's Day St John's Day June 24 - St John or San Giovanni as he is known in Italy is the patron saint of Florence and every June 24 is a public holiday - bad luck for the locals if June 24 happens to be on a Saturday or a Sunday as the holiday is not moved forward to the Monday like most other countries - traditionally both residents and tourists alike gather on the banks of the Arno or Piazzale Michelangelo to view the spectacular fireworks show which is put on to celebrate the occasion. The fireworks for San Giovanni begin at approximately 10 p.m. and lasts about 1 hour. For information regarding the best spots from which to view the fireworks please contact any of our concierge staff here at the Hotel Meridiana in Florence.

Botticelli Primavera Detail Uffizi Gallery - whilst Michelangelo's David is undoubtedly important it is not as near as important as the collective importance of the works contained within the Uffizi Art Gallery. Perhaps the single most important art gallery in the world the Uffizi gallery in Florence is an absolute must see for anybody visiting Florence. The Uffizi Art Gallery is near the Hotel Meridiana Florence and our concierge will be happy to arrange admission in order that you don't have to queue. The Uffizi houses many paintings but understandably the emphasis is on the Renaissance period. Giotto, Cimabue, Piero della Francesca, Domenico Ghirlandaio are just a few of the celebrated Renaissance painters whose works are on exhibit here at the Uffizi art gallery near Hotel Meridiana Florence.

Michelangelo's David Michelangelo's David Galleria dell'Accademia - Michelangelo's David is located near the Hotel Meridiana Florence at only 900 metres distance from the Hotel. The statue is still the single most visited attraction in Florence and after being recently spruced up David is in better shape than ever. Now over 600 years old David is to be found in the near by warmth of the Galleria dell'Accademia instead of outside the Palazzo Vecchio or on Piazzale Michelangelo which are where the statue was formerly positioned. It was moved for its' own protection safe from the elements and madman who attacked it with a hammer. The statue itself is a must see but don't worry if you don't want to pay the modest entrance fee as there are a 6 lifesize replicas to be found in Florence. Go and see the original and marvel at he sense of moral power and tense energy conveyed not only through his body language but also through the concentrated gaze of the Biblical hero.The slingshot is held over his shoulder while the other over-sized hand holds the rock. Unlike Donatello, who depicted the heroic David with Goliath's head at his feet, Michelangelo selected the nervous and tense moment before the battle. For information on how to obtain tickets for entrance to the near by Galleria dell'Accademia to see Michelangelo's David please the see our concierge staff at the Hotel Meridiana Florence.


Please click on the type of accommodation that interests you:

Easter Sunday and Exploding Carro
St John's day - Public Holiday
Uffizi Gallery
Michelangelo's David
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Calcio in Costume
Above: The Calcio in Costume Sporting Event in Florence is over 600 years old. Players to this day must still contest the event whilst wearing medieval costume - see sporting events for more information.


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Hotel Meridiana Florence, Viale Don Minzoni, 25, Florence 50129, Italy

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