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Hotel Meridiana Florence Italy
Hotel Meridiana Florence Italy
Sporting Events Florence

Sporting Events Florence - Calcio in Costume

The Hotel Meridiana is near the venue for Florence's world famous Calcio in Costume.

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Florence Events Welcome to the Hotel Meridiana Florence guide to sporting events in Florence. Florence is which honours its' traditions in typical flamboyant Italian style. Nothing eptimosises this more than the annual calcio in costume soccer tournament where the only rule is that there are no rules... click on the image to see the enlarged photo.

Calcio in Costume Florence Sporting Events

The origins of this game which is based loosely on soccer and rugby find their way back to the Renaissance period. The matches which are played out between the four neighbourhoods of Florence are held in the main square in front of the church of Santa Croce. Popularly attended we suggest that you arrange tickets well before the event as more often than not the matches particularly the final are sold out. The Calcio in Costume matches are held every June with the final played on the Sunday or Saturday closest to the 24 June which is St John's day and a public holiday in Florence. The teams wear the colours of their quarters which are also the names for four of the main churchces in Florence: blue for Santa Croce, green for San Giovanni, red for Santa Maria Novella and white for Santo Spirito. There are two semi finals then the final - the victorious team wins a calf but more importantly have the pleasure of rubbing their neighbours noses in it for the rest of the year.

The Calcio in Costume matches are held in the centre of the square which is covered in sand for the occasion. The game itselfs reminds us more of rugby or American football than our the modern version of soccer. The rules, which have changed little since the 14th century,basically don't existt: kicking, punching, shoulder charges, blocks and blows below the belt are all allowed in players attempts to get the ball and attempt a "caccia" or goal. It is rumoured that special day release is granted to some of the tougher inmates from Florence Prison to allow them to take part in the match.... Attention Calcio in Costume is not for the faint hearted so don't go if you are of a nervous disposition... Finally, cover your ears when someone scores because fireworks and shots are fired into the air... the atmosphere is so explosive that brawls and broken noses are much in evidence, despite all this the match is still a skillful spectacle and one well worth going to see.

Palio Siena The Palio - is held in neighbouring Siena and is one of the world's most exciting horse races. The race which is held twice a year (July 2 and August 16) is between 8 horses and riders from the various neighbourhoods of Siena. The riders ride bareback around the main square which not only contains 90 degree corners but is also up and down hill. Despite the sand and extra padding around the track there are many fallers and every once in a while a jockey or horse is fatally injured. Animal rights campaigners like Princess Anne and Brigette Bardot have campaigned to ban the race but were vehemently opposed by the whole of tuscany and the Italian government. The race around the town square in honor of the Virgin Mary only only lasts 3 circuits of the main square but the build up is unbelievable as for more than 5 hours flag bearers and various processions keep the crowd entertained. Entrance to the Campo i.e. main squarre is free however, get there early if you want a good view as the Palio is incredibly popular and crowds from all over the world flock to see it.. Alternatively you can pay for seats on one of the many overlooking balconies.

Florentia Football Club Florence Florentia Football Club - Newly formed in September 2002 from the ashes of Fiorentina FC he newly formed Florentia Football club will play season 2002/2003 in the lowest professional Italian league Serie C2B. The team started the season very badly after drawing with a team from a city with fewer than 2000 inhabitants however, since then Florentia have been banging the goals in and are now sitting at the top of the league. Many of the top players have decided to stay at Florentia and you can enjoy their skills every second Sunday when they play their home matches here in Florence. Ask at the Hotel Meridiana reception for information on how to get tickets for Florentia home matches in Florence.

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Calcio in Costume
Above: The Calcio in Costume Sporting Event in Florence is over 600 years old. Players to this day must still contest the event whilst wearing medieval costume.


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